7 saving hacks to fight rising inflation and interest rates for a better retirement

January 29, 2023

5 mins read

Australians all across the country are feeling the pinch of the rising cost of living, with high inflation and back-to-back interest rate hikes already impacting households. To help fight these rising costs, many people are tightening their purse strings and making changes – like these seven popular ways to save money. Each method can make a big difference in your retirement savings, so it’s important to explore all of them and find what works best for you. 

1. Start with the little things

Many people are learning to save money in creative ways for retirement. A great place to start is with the little things. Small changes, like using blankets to save on heating and swapping books with friends rather than buying new books, can make a big impact over time. For holidays, camping is becoming a popular and affordable option. Hobbies such as arts and crafts can also be a cost effective option for unique gifts to family and friends. 

All of these little changes can add up to big savings over time. So, if you’re looking to save money for retirement, start with the small things and see how much you can accomplish. 

2. Walk, bike or use public transport instead of a car

With fuel prices dramatically increasing one of the simplest ways to lower spending, is to reduce your car use and find alternative transport options. One option is to walk instead of driving. Not only does this save on fuel costs, but it’s also a great form of exercise! If your destination is only 30 minutes away, consider walking instead of taking the car or public transport. This can also save you money on public transport costs. So next time you’re planning a trip, think about whether walking could be an option for you! 

3. Coffee cutbacks

Australians love their coffee. But what many don’t think about is how all those coffees can add up quickly – to the tune of thousands of dollars a year! If you buy a takeaway coffee twice a day, you’re looking at spending around $7,000 a year – just on coffee! That’s a lot of money that could be going into your retirement savings instead. So, what can you do to cut down on your coffee costs? 

One option is to invest in a good quality coffee machine and make your coffee at home instead of buying it from a cafe. This can be a big initial investment, but it will quickly pay for itself – and you’ll end up with better coffee, too! Another option is to buy a coffee thermos or similar product to keep your coffee hot throughout the day. This way, you can make a big pot of coffee in the morning and not have to buy any more during the day. 

Of course, you don’t have to give up coffee entirely to save for retirement – but cutting back even a little bit can make a big difference in your savings over time. 

4. Rethink your meals

As well as fuel, food has also seen a steep increase in cost, so it’s no surprise that finding ways to reduce spending on food will help save money. Firstly, you should consider redusing eating out and opting to cook at home. Cooking at home is a popular cutback, as it can save you money compared to buying take-away meals. There are many simple and affordable recipes that you can cook using ingredients that are readily available in your local supermarket. Buying non-perishable foods in bulk can also help to reduce spending. If you are looking for new ideas, then try out a slow cooker. They are affordable and can make delicious meals with little effort. So why not give cooking at home ago? You may be surprised by just how much money you can save! 

5. Regularly review your cash flow

Review your cash flow on a regular basis and adjust your spending accordingly. Doing so can highlight unnecessary costs to reduce and areas to reallocate income. 

Another way is to pay off small debts first, so you can reduce your interest and focus on your larger debts later. If you have a lot of debt, you may want to consider consolidating your debts into one loan with a lower interest rate. This can save you money in the long run and help you get out of debt more quickly. 

You can also try negotiating with your creditors for a lower interest rate or payment plan. If you’re struggling to make payments, talk to your creditors about your options. You may be able to temporarily pause or lower your payments, or work out a more affordable payment plan. 

6. Shop around for a better rate

It’s time to start shopping around. Mortgage interest rates are on the rise, so now is a great time to get a better deal on your home loan. And if you have savings, take advantage of high savings account rates and term deposits. The concept of shopping around for a better price can also be extended to everyday items – the same goods can have very different prices at different stores. By taking these simple steps, you can make a big difference to your retirement savings. So start shopping around today! 

7. Take up a side hustle

Finally, rather than just saving money, you can also increase your income by taking up a side hustle. A side hustle can help you make extra money to contribute to your savings. It can also help you develop good financial habits, like budgeting and investing. So if you’re looking for ways to save for retirement and beat inflation, consider taking up a side hustle. Who knows, it could be the start of a whole new chapter in your life! 

There are lots of different ways to make money on the side. You could start a blog and monetise it with ads or affiliate links. Or you could start a YouTube channel and earn revenue from advertising. You could also launch a small business or sell products online. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you’re passionate about and that you think you can be successful at. 

So, there you have it! Seven simple ways to save money for retirement and beat inflation. If you take these steps and stick to a budget, you’ll be on your way to a more comfortable future. But don’t forget – the most important thing is to start saving today! So get started and watch your savings grow. 


Any information contained in this post is factual only and is not intended to be a recommendation or opinion about any financial product or class of financial products.

January 29, 2023

5 mins read

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