
Estate planning

Estate planning provides clarity for your family on how you would like your estate handled.

Estate planning

Your legacy lives here

Our financial planners work with estate planning lawyers to create an effective estate plan that maximises benefits, minimises tax liabilities, and reflects clients' wishes.

Death benefit Nomination

A death benefit nomination is a formal instruction that specifies who will receive your superannuation balance or life insurance benefit upon your death.

Will planning

A will is a legal document that specifies how a person's assets will be distributed after their death, and may also appoint guardians for minor children and establish trusts.

Trust planning

A testamentary trust will can offer benefits such as tax efficiency, asset protection, and control over the distribution of assets, providing greater flexibility and security in estate planning.

Powers of attorney

An enduring power of attorney is a legal document that appoints a trusted person to make financial and legal decisions on behalf of the person who created the document, in the event that they become unable to do so themselves.

Safeguard your assets and ensure your legacy lives on for generations to come.

Decide who gets your belongings

In order to ensure your estate is distributed according to your wishes, we recommend making a will and ensuring it is kept up to date. Drawing up a will is not expensive – especially for the peace of mind it provides.

It is recommended that you update your Will every five years, or if your situation changes, for example, due to bereavement or divorce. Periodically updating your will ensures that it continues to reflect your wishes. The most common disqualifying events are the creation and proper execution of a new Will and the marriage or divorce of the testator.

Advantages of having a will include:
  • Allowing you to choose who will inherit your possessions.
  • Quicker distribution of your estate, possibly avoiding legal and financial problems for your beneficiary or beneficiaries.
Will Planning

Still have questions

Get in contact with us and one of our advisors will be more than happy to assist with any questions you may have.

Our Financial Planners are a team of experienced and knowledgable professionals with a diverse financial backgrounds, in wealth management, people management and other aspects of finances.

Having a roadmap and a mentor will ultimately reduce costly mistakes and will keep you on track to achieving the things that are important to you. Our financial planners live and breathe the industry so you don’t have to and can spend your time focusing on things that are important to you.

An estate plan involves much more than a simple Will. Although it’s important to have a valid Will, an estate plan covers many other aspects relating to the transfer of your wealth after you pass away. Family trusts, powers of attorney and the tax implications for beneficiaries can all be managed with an estate plan.